Our Causes
Giving Back to the World . . .
CCS Inc has always supported worthy causes and charities. Besides charitable contributions, corporate officers Mike and Casey O’Brien have over the years traveled to Mexico, Guatemala and Japan on outreaches to minister to needs of the local populace. Whether building an orphanage, re-painting a church, or teaching Sunday School class, we have wanted to give something back to the world wherever we can. It is an honor and privilege to bless others as we have been blessed here in America. if you have never considered being a part of something to lift a needy family or child, and feed your soul at the same time, check out below a few of our favorite organizations who are doing incredible outreaches around the world.
Going to the ends. Where no one else goes.
World Vision
World Vision is a global Christian humanitarian organization. They partner with children, families, and their communities to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.y.
Bringing Freedom to Cambodia.
Agape Int’l Missions
Agape International Missions (AIM) was founded in Cambodia in 1988 as a humanitarian aid and church planting organization. Since 2005, our ministries have focused on ending the evil of child sexual slavery.